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Company Name: Esselte Ltd
Address: Room 4208-4210, 42/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai , Hong Kong
Tel: +852 28235168
Fax: +852 25291676
Contact Person: Mr Stanley Law
email: slawess@netvigator.com
Website: www.esselte.com 
Profile: Esselte is the leading global office supplies manufacturer with annual sales of approximately USD 1.1 billion, subsidiaries in 25 countries, selling office products in over 120 countries and employing approximately 6,500 people. Esselte is committed to meeting the needs of the customer by delivering quality products with innovative functionality and modern design. Esselte's focus is on three key categories of professional office supplies - Filing, Labeling and Workspace. Our principal brands are: DYMO, Pendaflex, Leitz and Esselte. Esselte is a private company owned by J.W. Childs Associates, a leading private equity investment firm based in Boston, Massachusetts. For information about J.W. Childs, visit their website at www.jwchilds.com


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