Hong Kong Exporter Net > Textile >
Artificial Fur Denim Fabrics Yarn Fabrics

Actex Textiles Limited
Intimate garments, knitted bottoms, knitted dresses, knitted garments, knitted jackets, knitted skirts, knitted tops, woven garments manufacturer
Chemise International Ltd
silk fabrics, silk garments, raw silk, silk yarn
Covo Knitters Limited
Knitwear manufacturer
Diorva Knitters Limited
Dyed Fabrics, knitted fabrics, knitted garments manufacturer
Dollars Textile Limited
Chambray, cloth strips, cotton woven fabrics, denim, dobby, twill manufacturer
Dynafield Company Ltd
Elastic webbing manufacturer
Fordby Knitters
Cotton Knitted T-shirts Knitted Trousers manufacturer
Hsin Lai Trading Company
Cashmere Scarves, Cashmere Sweaters, Cashmere Yarn, white dehaired goatswool, wool scraves, cashmere yarn manufacturer
Hong Kong Manufacturing Company Limited
Cardigans, cotton woven suits, silk blouses, t-shirts, wollen knitted sweaters manufacturer
Kam Siu Knitting & Garment Factory Limited
Jogging Suits, Knitted Dresses, Knitted Shorts, Knitted Skirts, Knitted Sweat shirts, knitted tops, trousers, t-shirts manufacturer
Lai Tak Enterprises Ltd
Canvas, corduroy, denim, twill
Mandarin Industrial Limited
Chenille Yarn Making machines, flax machines, flax materials, flax yarn, knitting machines, knitwear, knitwear finising machines, knitwear linking machines, pp portable piping systems, spun bond, non-woven fabrics, sweaters
Tai Tung Hing Kee Textile Company Ltd
Corduroy, fancy fabrics, indigo denim, twill manufacturer
Wah Cheong Textiles Limited
Piece Dyed Woven Fabrucsm Yarn Dyed Woven Fabrics manufacturer
Yiu Yan Knitting Factory Limited
Cosmetics Bags, Cotton tapes, garment bags, handbags, ice bags, kitted tapes, pp strings, sports bags, travelling bags, webbing

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